Tuesday, March 6, 2012

If US and Soviet Union made alliance after World War 2, could they have been able to take over the world?

So basically if US and Soviet Union went to war with the entire world right after World War 2, would they have succeeded it?If US and Soviet Union made alliance after World War 2, could they have been able to take over the world?
You know that is a pretty good question and I had to think about it for a second. Really Germany was defeated, obviously, and Japan was about to go down in what 4 months later so I guess the only problem would have been the Russians. Even though we divided up Berlin and they kept Eastern Europe pretty much to themselves if they had not set their sights on their own gains we might have become allies to the point of trying to take over the rest of the world.

I think even with that there would have been a real big problem in who would have been in charge. Two large superpower nations at the time could have joined forces but in the end, someone would have to bow down to the other. It's like two guys pooling their money to buy a real expensive sports car and after you bought it, whose garage is it going to sit in? Might have worked only up to a point and really I think in the end we already had the answer in how much Russia wanted to have territory and rule it "their" way when the US did what we always do, free the folks from the tyranny then spend billions of dollars rebuilding the country so the country itself can rule itself, not for us to take as the spoils of war. If you think about it too, that kind of mentality is what got Hitler and Japan in trouble to begin with. Even if we did team up, somewhere down the line we might have ended up like Sadam or Hirohito Or Hitler and Mussolini, we would have been going to war with Russia anyway just to see who was going to really rule the world or some other countries would band together to take us out. Kind of a never ending ebb and flow of how the world works anyway. So yeah, we might have succeeded but like all the rest we probably would have signed our own death warrant at the same time.
The answer is obviously yes. The US and USSR basically split Europe in half with each of us ruling one half. Dittos to southeast Asia. That's about 3/4 of the world already. Only and alliance between England, France, and Germany could possibly have slowed down the US and USSR.If US and Soviet Union made alliance after World War 2, could they have been able to take over the world?
Of course not. First of all, the U,S was Capitalist and the Soviet Union was communist. They were both superpowers always competing against each other. They were anything but friends. Just look up the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Yes, they were only two nuclear powers and had the strongest militaries, they wouldn't have done it due to political differences though.If US and Soviet Union made alliance after World War 2, could they have been able to take over the world?
The entire world? Don't think so
Who would we take over? We already took it all over at that point
We were never that chummy. Nor did we ever want to dominate anybody.

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